2016-2017 Influenza Vaccines available now
It’s this time of the year again. The flu vaccine has arrived and we are ready to vaccinate. Please consider placing an appointment with us when you are ready.
CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted that live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV), also known as the “nasal spray” flu vaccine, should not be used during the 2016-2017 flu season. Therefore, we will not be administering FLUMIST this year. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Epipen Information and Prescription in Tokyo
Protect yourself from mosquito bites
3M Ultrathon Insect Repellent was developed to provide long lasting protection against mosquitoes for up to 12 hours. It repels mosquitoes, ticks, biting flies, chiggers, gnats, fleas and deer flies. It contains 34% DEET and is very easy to apply. Please contact our office for yours today.
More information of inset repellents can be found on this link below.
Ready to Travel? Prepare yourself and your family now!
Typhoid fever is a life-threatening illness caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi which affects 21.5 million people each year. Most cases are acquired while traveling internationally in the developing world. You can get typhoid fever if you eat food or drink beverages that have been contaminated. The infection is common in areas of the world where water is likely to be contaminated with sewage. If you are traveling to a country where typhoid is common, you should consider being vaccinated against typhoid.
It is recommended to vaccinate 1-2 weeks prior to possible exposure. The vaccine will last for approximately 3 years.
You can receive your Typhoid vaccine here at the American Clinic Tokyo. Currently, the following product is in stock: SANOFI PASTEUR’S TYPHOID VACCINE, TYPHIM VI®
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a leading cause of respiratory infections, including “walking pneumonia.” There has been an outbreak in Tokyo and a large number of patients have been observed this season. This outbreak can continue and can also be recurrent. Common symptoms are, cough, throat pain, nasal discharge, ear pain and breathing difficulty. Diagnostic testing (rapid immunochromatographic antigen test) is not routinely performed so many patients can go unrecognized for long periods of time. Commonly used antibiotics may not be effective. Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections can be difficult to diagnose and treat, so be sure to discuss treatment strategies with your physician.
Mosquito Bite Prevention
Mosquitoes spread many types of viruses and parasites like Japanese encephalitis, chikungunya, dengue, Zika, and malaria. If you are traveling to an area where mosquitoes are active, be sure to protect yourself and your family from the most deadliest creature on the planet. It has been estimated that mosquitos transmit diseases to almost 700 million people annually resulting in 2 to 3 million deaths every year. The following travel tips from CDC can save your life. A must read before you travel!
Open 5 Days a Week – Now open on TUESDAYS
Starting April 2016, the American Clinic Tokyo will be open 5 days a week. General Medicine (Dr. Grant Mikasa) will be available Monday thru Friday. Psychiatry (Dr. Andrew Kissane will be available every Thursday. “Emotionally Calming Breathing Exercises” (Dr. Lena Akai) will be every Thursday. We ask for your kind cooperation to place an appointment in advance as we are an appointment based clinic. Our medical team is excited to be able to present these new services to you.
For appointments, please call 03-6441-0969 or email us at info@ with your name, date of birth, contact number (or email address), and reason for visit. Ask for “Toshi” (business manager) if you need directions, clarification of fees or have a special request.
Signs of the Flu
We need to catch it early to treat effectively. Early antiviral treatment is known to shorten the duration of symptoms. It also reduces the risk for complications including otitis media, pneumonia and hospitalizations. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, try reaching us as soon as possible. Please notify the receptionist that you may have the flu.